Whats really going on with SCP-087-B Unity v0.5

I do apologize for the over year long delay over SCP-087-B Unity, I realize that I was gonna get myself involved in another big project called Slender Fortress, which is a Team Fortress 2 gamemode that recreates Slender: The Eight Pages with some extra twists. Some wanted me to see if I could get a few basic mechanics to work in Slender Fortress using the latest public release, 1.5.0, those mechanics have been achieved in a time span where SCP-087-B Unity was being developed thus slowed down progress on the game. I realized I couldn't keep 1.5.0 in the tile, so Slender Fortress Modified was born. When I released 1.5.1 Modified , this version exploded in the SF2 community, many wanted me to continue and so I did, which really slowed down 087-B Unity which was unusual as I was almost done with the update. But as time went by, 1.5.2 Modified  came out and the same thing happened, except the update wasn't almost complete, it was around 60% completed due to the new additions and bug fixes that had to be done. 1.5.3 Modified had a somewhat similar effect, except no progress was made on the update due to major bug fixes for 1.5.3 Modified  which became Modified  and then on the 20th of April, Modified . Just note SCP-087-B Unity is not dead, its on hold, if I said it was dead, I would leave the community to finish where I left off. Either way, this is the predicted timeline of my projects including SCP-087-B Unity v0.5.

April 20th - Release of SF2 Modified

April 21st to June or July - Development of a Blender project with increments of SCP-087-B Unity development.

June or July to September - Release of the Blender project, finishing off SCP-087-B Unity, small increments of SF2 Modified.

September or October - Release of SCP-087-B Unity, back to full time on SF2 Modified.

These dates may be inaccurate right after April 20th as the Blender project could be done faster yet still look good, or it could be done slower. If theres nothing left to do after I port and finish every mechanic of the missing rooms and finish off the HDR Pipeline settings, with the addition of graphics optimization, visual optimizations, visual improvements, much more settings, fixing the ending, and nailing the final randomly generated environment, we can see the release of SCP-087-B Unity come out sooner than later. Until then, we must wait and see what happens in terms of development for SF2 Modified, the Blender project, and SCP-087-B Unity.


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